
Action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar
Action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar

Less string tension results in lower pitches, whereas more tension raises the pitch. String tension is the primary factor that indicates a guitar string’s pitch. I’ll go over how scale length makes a difference below. All of these changes relate heavily to string tension and how it changes your fingering. Any minor changes drastically alter how a guitar feels to play. Scale length impacts the playing experience significantly. Instead, I recommend measuring from the nut to the 12th fret and then doubling the number. Bridge length can vary between strings due to accommodations for intonation. It is essential to note that tape measuring from the nut to the bridge is not always the best way to measure scale length. This measurement is more specific and focuses on the length between the nut and bridge of the guitar.

action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar

Unlike the total length, scale length undoubtedly affects what a guitar feels like to play. Scale length, compared to the total length, is an arguably more reliable guitar measurement. This discrepancy makes the total length an ineffective quantifier for measuring a guitar. In sum, total length is affected by many physical characters that do not impact how a guitar feels to play, like headstock, for example. That’s a reasonably unreliable standard when evaluating what determines a ‘full-size’ guitar. Unfortunately, that means that the standard total length of a full-size guitar could be anywhere from 36 in (91.4 cm) to 40 in (101.6 cm). Notice how different their bodies look? This structural difference means a huge difference in total length depending on the guitar. Take a second to refer to the diagram of various guitars that I displayed earlier. You can determine total length by aligning a tape measure with the guitar strings and measuring from the tip of the head to the base of the body. The term describes the measurement from the top of the headstock to the bottom of the body. The total length of a guitar is straightforward. Furthermore, the body stores the soundhole, which naturally amplifies and adds resonance to the strings’ vibrations. The bridge comprises string pegs that hold the strings in opposition to the nut.

  • The body (in blue): The bottom half of the guitar is the body, which contains several essential parts of the guitar.
  • Guitarists push down certain strings onto the fretboard to create different pitches and chords.
  • The neck (in red): The guitar’s neck contains the fretboard.
  • Some essential parts of the headstock include the nut, truss rod, head, and tuning pegs/machine head. It also holds the strings in position to avoid pitchiness.
  • The headstock (in green): The guitar’s headstock is where the tuning takes place.
  • I included a diagram from Guitar Gear Finder as a guide:

    action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar

    To get started, here is a breakdown of the three main parts of the guitar. Source: Guitar Gear Finder: Everything You Need to Know About Guitar Size

    action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar

    The other important measurement is the scale length. In sum, you can measure a guitar in two ways: One method is measuring from end to end.

    Action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar how to#

    You cannot choose the right size acoustic guitar for you if you do not know how to measure one.

    Action strings 12 th fret electric guiatar